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الباحث2006 21-05-07 09:20 AM

كل امتي معافى إلا المجاهرين
وعنه قال سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : (( كل أمتي معافى إلا المجاهرين وإن من المجاهرة أن يعمل الرجل بالليل عملاً ، ثم يصبح وقد ستره الله عليه فيقول : يا فلان عملت البارحة كذا كذا ، وقد بات يستره ربه ويصبح يكشف ستر الله عنه )) متفق عليه (3) .


ذكر المؤلف ـ رحمه الله تعالى ـ فيما نقله عن أبي هريرة ـ رضي الله عنه ـ أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : (( كل أمتي معافى إلا المجاهرين )) . يعني بـ (( كل الأمة ))

أمة الإجابة الذين استجابوا للرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم .

معافى : يعني قد عافاهم الله عز وجل .

إلا المجاهرين : والمجاهرون هم الذين يجاهرون بمعصية الله عز وجل ، وهم ينقسمون إلى قسمين :

الأول : أن يعمل المعصية وهو مجاهر بها ، فيعملها أمام الناس ، وهم ينظرون إليه ، هذا لا شك أنه ليس بعافية ؛ لأنه جر على نفسه الويل ، وجره على غيره أيضا .

أما جره على نفسه : فلأنه ظلم نفسه حيث عصى الله ورسوله ، وكل إنسان يعصي الله ورسوله ؛ فإنه ظالم لنفسه ، قال الله تعالى : ( وَمَا ظَلَمُونَا وَلَكِنْ كَانُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ ) [البقرة: 57] ، والنفس أمانة عندك يجب عليك أن ترعاها حق رعايتها ، وكما أنه لو كان لك ماشية فإنك تتخير لها المراعي الطيبة ، وتبعدها عن المراعي الخبيثة الضارة ، فكذلك نفسك ، يجب عليك أن تتحرى لها المراتع الطيبة ، وهي الأعمال الصالحة ، وأن تبعدها عن المراتع الخبيثة ، وهي الأعمال السيئة .

وأما جره على غيره : فلأن الناس إذا رأوه قد عمل المعصية ؛ هانت في نفوسهم ، وفعلوا مثله ، وصار ـ والعياذ بالله ـ من الأئمة الذين يدعون إلى النار ، كما قال الله تعالى عن آل فرعون : ( وَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ أَئِمَّةً يَدْعُونَ إِلَى النَّارِ وَيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ لا يُنْصَرُونَ) [القصص:41] .

وقال النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام : (( من سن في الإسلام سنة سيئة ؛ فعليه وزرها ووزر من عمل بها إلى يوم القيامة )) (4) .

فهذا نوع من المجاهرة ، ولم يذكره النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ؛ لأنه واضح ، لكنه ذكر أمراً آخر قد يخفى على بعض الناس فقال : ومن المجاهرة أن يعمل الإنسان العمل السيئ في الليل فيستره الله عليه ، وكذلك في بيته فيستره الله عليه ولا يُطلع عليه أحداً ، ولو تاب فيما بينه وبين ربه؛ لكان خيراً له ، ولكنه إذا قام في الصباح واختلط بالناس قال : عملت البارحة كذا ، وعملت كذا ، وعملت كذا ، فهذا ليس معافى ، هذا والعياذ بالله قد ستر الله عليه فأصبح يفضح نفسه .

وهذا الذي يفعله بعض الناس أيضاً يكون له سببان :

السبب الأول : أن يكون الإنسان غافلاً سليماً لا يهتم بشيء ، فتجده يعمل السيئة ثم يتحدث بها عن طهارة قلب .

والسبب الثاني : أن يتحدث بالمعاصي تبجحاً واستهتاراً بعظمة الخالق ، ـ والعياذ بالله ـ فيصبحون يتحدثون بالمعاصي متبجحين بها كأنما نالوا غنيمة ، فهؤلاء والعياذ بالله شر الأقسام .

ويوجد من الناس من يفعل هذا مع أصحابه ، يعني أنه يتحدث به مع أصحابه فيحدثهم بأمر خفي لا ينبغي أن يذكر لأحد ، لكنه لا يهتم بهذا الأمر فهذا ليس من المعافين ؛ لأنه من المجاهرين .

والحاصل أنه ينبغي للإنسان أن يتستر بستر الله عز وجل ، وأن يحمد الله على العافية ، وأن يتوب فيما بينه وبين ربه من المعاصي التي قام بها، وإذا تاب إلى الله وأناب إلى الله ؛ ستره الله في الدنيا والآخرة ، والله الموفق .

من شرح الشيخ : محمد بن عيثيمن رحمه الله لكتاب رياض الصالحين المجلد الثالث باب ستر عورات
المسلمين http://www.ibnothaimeen.com/all/book...le_18174.shtml

alisg2000 24-07-07 02:45 PM

يرفع للفائده

جزاك الله خيرا

نصير السنة 24-07-07 03:16 PM

يرفع رفع الله شأنك اخي الباحث واتمنى من الاعضاء وقف نشر الفضايح والامور المحرمة جزاكم الله خير

ooo_xxx_ooo 24-07-07 10:11 PM


سلطان جدة 24-07-07 11:03 PM

جزاك الله خير اخي الباحث

بـ هوازن ـدر 31-12-07 01:58 AM

بارك الله فيك اخي واثابك خير الجزاء

F. B. I 31-12-07 06:41 AM

بارك الله فيك

والله يجعلها بميزان حسناتك

ودمت بخير

الباحث2006 13-01-08 10:45 AM

حياكم الله إخواني وبارك الله فيكم وجعلنا وإياكم ممن ستمع القول فيتبع احسنه

فتى ام قليب 19-01-08 08:40 AM

اللهم اجزه عنا خير الجزاء

ZERO TIME 14-04-08 09:32 AM

جزاك الله خير اخي الكريم

زينب المسلم 30-04-08 02:59 PM

جزاكم الله خير الجزاء

بنت السنة 09-06-08 01:52 AM

جزاك الله خير على موضوعك القيم .

أبوسند 09-06-08 02:51 AM

جزاك الله خير وبارك الله فيك

vip0pop 27-09-08 01:19 AM

Comic Con Countdown Saturday July 26th
Saturday -- a time of rest and relaxation. A time to put your feet up, grab a lemonade, open a book, and let the cool, summer breezes gently rock your hammock as a lazy July day passes. Of course, that's if you aren't attending the San Diego Comic-Con. Then, it's out of your bed, quick shower (if any), breakfast-on-the-go, and right back into the queues to see your particular favorites talking about their television shows.Like Friday, Saturday at Comic-Con will be packed with television goodness. This is the day that many of the big guns come to play. Shows like The Office, Lost, Battlestar Galactica will be making appearances. They will be joined by newcomers Chuck, Dollhouse, and Pushing Daisies. There will even be an appearance by the recently single Sarah Silverman. There's also a good bit of television animation being featured, particularly by Nicktoons and B.E.T. Animation.In order to make sure you get the most out of the money you paid to get into the convention, we here at TV Squad are providing you with a complete list of television-related panels for that day. If you are interested in seeing what else is going on July 25th you can review the official full schedule at the Comic-Con ***site. Remember, times and appearances are subject to change and seating in all event rooms is on a first-come, first-serve basis.10:00-11:00 Marvel: Iron Man: Armored Adventures Animated Screening -- Tony Stark, heir to a billion-dollar corporation, lives a life of luxury, free to pursue his chief interests-seeking extreme thrills, solving scientific mysteries and creating mind-boggling inventions. But everything goes horribly wrong when a tragic accident robs Tony of his father and nearly costs him his own life. Now dependent on his own impressive technology for survival and dedicated to battling corruption, Tony must reconcile the pressure of teenage life with the duties of a superhero. Inside his remarkable invention. He is Iron Man. Meet Josh Fine (Marvel Studios), head writer Christopher Yost, and others involved with this exciting new animated series and watch an episode of Iron Man: Armored Adventures before its Nicktoons 2009 premiere. warhammer power leveling) will ship in Australia, New aion gold ,warhammer gold10:00-11:00 Nickelodeon's The Fairly Odd Parents: Past, Present, and Future -- Join Fairly Odd Parents creator Butch Hartman, co-executive producer and story editor Scott Fellows, and writer Kevin Sullivan as they share some of their favorite moments from the past and give fans an inside look at the future of the series! You'll also be treated to an exciting live table-read performed by the stars of the show: voice of Timmy, Tara Strong; voice of Cosmo, Daran Norris; voice of Wanda, Susanne Blakeslee; and voice of Mark Chang, Rob Paulsen. Moderated by Rich Magallanes, executive director for Nickelodeon. 10:00-10:45 Futurama Secrets Revealed! -- Now, this is a panel! Join Futurama creator Matt Groening and executive producer David X. Cohen in a mind-blowing, jaw-dropping, fact-checking panel extravaganza! Appearing with Matt and David are series regulars Billy West (Fry, Professor Farnsworth, Dr. Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan), Katey Sagal (Leela), John DiMaggio (Bender), and Maurice LaMarche (Kif, Morbo). And if that's not enough, enjoy color commentary from Eric Kaplan (co-executive producer, writer) and lots of insider straight dope from producer Claudia Katz and director Peter Avanzino of Rough Draft Animation. Plus, don't miss out on your chance to see the sneak peek of "Bender's Game," the all-new feature-length Futurama adventure that will appear in stores in November.10:15-11:15 Ben 10: Alien Force and The Secret Saturdays Sneak Peek -- Join Glen Murakami and his crew as they discuss their hit new Cartoon Network show Ben 10: Alien Force. It's your chance to get the inside story on all the new alien heroes and, of course, all the bad guys! Accompanying Glen are story editor Dwayne McDuffie and voice talents Yuri Lowenthal (Ben), Ashley Johnson (Gwen), Greg Cipes (Kevin), and Dee Bradley Baker (Aliens). And In addition to this, Jay Stephens will also be on hand to talk about his mysterious and cool new show The Secret Saturdays. 10:15-11:15 Spotlight on Ralph Bakshi -- While not exclusively a television person, Ralph Bakshi has touched the medium many times during his career. His **** is synonymous with the great tradition of American cartooning. Bakshi is responsible for such memorable films and television shows such as Fritz the Cat (the first X-rated animated feature film), The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse, Spider-Man, Heavy Traffic, Wizards, Cool World, and The Lord of the Rings, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Join Ralph Bakshi for a rare, in-person appearance as he discusses his legendary career. Moderated by Jon M. Gibson and Chris McDonnell, co-authors of Unfiltered: The Complete Ralph Bakshi.10:45-11:30 The Simpsons -- So, the entire cast of Futurama is showing up for their panel. Yet, nary a star from The Simpsons is appearing on their panel. Have they gotten to big for a measly science fiction and comic book convention like Comic-Con? Anyhoo, the panel will feature Matt Groening; Al Jean; Matt Selman (executive producer); Michael Price (co-executive producer); Matt Warburton (co-executive producer); Don Payne (consulting producer); Carolyn Omine (consulting producer); Mike Anderson (supervising director) and David Silverman (movie and TV series director). 10:45-11:45 Heroes: Exclusive First Look at "Villains" and Q&A with the Entire Cast, Tim Kring, and Tim Sale -- Moderated by co-executive producer/comic book writer Jeph Loeb, watch an exclusive first look at "Chapter 3: Villains." and participate in a Q&A session with creator Tim Kring, comic book artist Tim Sale (Batman: The Long Halloween), and the cast: Jack Coleman (H.R.G.), Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman), Ali Larter (Niki Sanders), James Kyson Lee (Ando Masahashi), Masi Oka (Hiro Nakamura), Hayden Panettiere (Claire Bennet), Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli), Zachary Quinto (Sylar), Sendhil Ramamurthy (Mohinder Suresh), Dania Ramirez (Maya Herrera), Cristine Rose (Angela Petrelli), and Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli). 11:30-12:30 B.E.T. Animation -- Panelists include Reggie Hudlin (president, B.E.T.), Denys Cowan (senior V.P., B.E.T. Animation), Eric Rollman (president, Marvel Animation), Cort Lane (Marvel Animation), John Romita Jr. (way too many credits!) and some surprise guests. Panelists will discuss the current slate of animated series, including the upcoming The Black Panther.11:30-12:30 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Screening and Q&A -- Back for a second year at Comic-Con, the producers and stars of this hit action-adventure drama will debut the trailer for season two and answer questions from fans during this one-hour session. Executive producers Josh Friedman, John Wirth and James Middleton will be joined by returning series stars Lena Headey, Thomas Dekker, Summer Glau, Brian Austin Green and Richard T. Jones, as well as new series regulars Garret Dillahunt and musician Shirley Manson (Garbage). 12:00-1:00 The Writers Room: Writing Prime Time Animated Comedy -- Join real live prime time animation writers (as opposed to dead ones) as they recreate a TV animation rewrite room. Jokes will be "pitched," stories will be "broken," and lunch will be "ordered". Panelists: Eric Kaplan (Futurama, Malcolm in the Middle), Opus Moreschi (Li'l Bush), Dan McGrath (King of the Hill, The Simpsons), Bill Freiberger (Drawn Together, The Simpsons), Maiya Williams (The PJs, Mad TV), and Carolyn Omine (The Simpsons). Moderated by Patric M. Verrone (Futurama, The Simpsons). 12:00-1:00 Lost -- If the most recent season finale was any indication of things to come, you will not want to miss this panel. Co-creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof and executive producer Carlton Cuse will discuss season 4 of Lost, leading up to the season finale. They will answer your questions and maybe even offer up some surprises of their own. 12:30-1:30 ABC Family's Kyle XY: Q&A with the Cast and Producer and First Look at Season Three -- Kyle XY actors Matt Dallas and Jaimie Alexander and producer Julie Plec give fans a sneak peek at the exciting new season, in which lives are saved, secrets are exposed, and hearts are broken, as Kyle discovers that being a hero doesn't come without a price. 12:30-2:00 Cartoon Voices I -- In the first of two gatherings this weekend of actors who lend their voices to animation, co-hosts Mark Evanier and Earl Kress welcome Jason Marsden (Fairly OddParents, Loonatics Unleashed), Wally Wingert (The Garfield Show, Family Guy), Phil LaMarr (Justice League, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends), Alicyn Packard (The Mr. Men Show, World of Warcraft), TV legend Chuck McCann and Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants). All will discuss their experiences and take questions on how those who are interested can get started in the world of voice acting.12:45-1:45 Exclusive Q&A with the writers of The Office -- Now, this should be interesting! Meet the writers of the The Office and hear them talk about their favorite episodes, characters, and fun behind-the-scenes stories. Moderated by cast member Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute), panelists include executive producer/showrunner Greg Daniels and writers Jennifer Celotta, Michael Schur, B.J. Novak, Lester Lewis, Gene Stupnitsky, Lee Eisenberg, Mindy Kaling, Justin Spitzer, Ryan Koh, and Anthony Ferrell. 1:00-2:00 Dollhouse -- When news broke that Joss Whedon was returning to television with a vehicle for "Buffy" alum Eliza Dushku, legions of fans around the world rejoiced. Although most will have to wait until January to learn more about the exciting new project, Comic-Con fans will hear it straight from Joss and Eliza in person! 2:00-3:00 Attack of the Show! -- Friends of TV Squad, Attack of the Show! is G4's irreverent interactive daily live "variety" show that paves the inside track to today's entertainment, technology and pop culture. Hosts Kevin Pereira, Olivia Munn, comic book expert Blair Butler and show producers give fans a rare opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at how this show brings tech-obsessed viewers all the up-to-the-minute news on Internet culture, technology, comic books, gadgets, live events and more. Get a glimpse of a day in the life of a daily tech show. 2:15-3:15 Battlestar Galactica -- Battlestar Galactica returns to Comic-Con for a panel filled with excitement, laughter, and a sneak peek into the final revelation. Focusing on the character relationships that give this hit series its power, this exclusive panel sheds new light on the ties between Humans and Cylons and provides valuable insight into the adventure ahead. Panelists include cast members Tricia Helfer, James Callis, Michael Trucco, and Katee Sackhoff and executive producers Ronald D. Moore and David Eick, along with moderator Kevin Smith.:15-4:15 Pushing Daisies Screening and Q&A -- The cast and producers of Pushing Daisies return to Comic-Con for a special screening of exclusive clips from the acclaimed show's upcoming season, highlights from the first season and a Q&A with fans. Stars Lee Pace, Anna Friel, Chi McBride, Ellen Greene, Swoosie Kurtz), and Kristin Chenoweth, join executive producer/creator Bryan Fuller and executive producers Dan Jinks and Peter Ocko for the session. Moderated by special guest and executive producer Barry Sonnenfeld. 3:30-4:30 Chuck Screening and Q&A -- Chuck executive producer Josh Schwartz, co-creator Chris Fedak, and stars Zachary Levi, Yvonne Strahovski, Joshua Gomez, Sarah Lancaster, Ryan McPartlin, and Adam Baldwin return to Comic-Con for a Q&A to discuss the action-comedy, and to screen an exclusive series highlight reel debuting new footage from the upcoming second season. 4:00-5:00 Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack -- Jay Glatfelter and Jack Glatfelter have one of the oldest and biggest podcasts dedicated to ABC'S Lost with The Lost Podcast. Learn about the huge, dedicated online community for TV's most mind twisting drama. Join Jay and Jack for this special interview and Q&A session!4:00-5:30 Adventures in Voice Acting Workshop -- Here's an opportunity for attendees interested in the voice acting profession to get firsthand advice and experience from the pros in an intimate, yet dynamic and exciting setting. Learn directly from some of the best voice actors and directors in the world. This one-hour class covers practical dubbing techniques, important issues such as studio protocol, and what to expect at your first audition. You'll also get some inside information on how to break in and what the industry is really like. Panelists include Michelle Rodriguez (Lost), Steve Blum (Wolverine), Lance Henricksen (Aliens), Tom Kenney (SpongeBob SquarePants), Hynden Walch (Teen Titans), Wendee Lee (Cowboy Bebop), and Mona Marshall (South Park). 4:45-5:45 Spotlight on J. Michael Straczynski -- Again, another talent who has made several stops in television over the last few years. What's he up to now? What's coming next? Come and ask the man responsible for Thor, The Twelve, and such upcoming movies ass Changeling, World War Z, Proving Ground, The Flickering Light, The Grays, and Lensman.4:45-5:45 SCI FI Eureka -- SCI FI's hit summer series returns for its triumphant third season on Tuesday, July 29. But first, fans can experience the quirky fun of America's smartest little town up close and personal by joining the cast and executive producers of Eureka for an exclusive Comic-Con discussion. Panelists include cast members Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, and Joe Morton plus co-creator and executive producer Jamie Paglia, executive producer Charlie Craig, and Tony Optican, SVP for original programming, SCI FI. 4:45-5:45 Fringe Q&A and Trailer Screening -- J. J. Abrams, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman -- the team behind Mission: Impossible 3, Alias, and the upcoming Star Trek feature - join fellow Fringe executive producers Bryan Burk and Jeff Pinkner, as well as stars Anna Torv, Josh Jackson, and John Noble, for an exclusive Q&A about one of the most anticipated new television series of the fall season, a drama that will thrill, terrify and explore the blurring line between science fiction and reality. The session will kick off with the screening of a trailer for the series. Television Week deputy editor and columnist Joe Adalian moderates. 6:00-7:00 Stargate Offworld Fandom Gathering -- Experience the essence of Stargate fandom during this two-hour fan gathering! Marcia Patterson invites you to step through the gate with Stargate fans from around the universe to share trivia, games, giveaways, hot news, discussions, fanworks, filk singing (familiar tunes with Stargate lyrics), and other Stargate Offworld Fandom surprises! Learn the basics of collecting and see some actual props fans have acquired from the show/movie. You'll have fun with both alien and SG costuming and there'll even be an impromptu costume contest! Joining Marcia from Stargate Offworld Fandom are Martin A. Smith and Jennifer Carey, and from SciFiHero.net, Dean Newbury. 6:00-7:00 TV Guide -- TV Guide takes an in-depth look at some of the new and returning TV series, featuring the hottest TV talent in front of the camera and behind the scenes. TV Guide executive editor Craig Tomashoff moderates this panel offering the inside scoop, with some fun surprises. Participants include Josh Applebaum (executive producer, Life on Mars), Jaimie Alexander (Kyle XY), Matt Dallas (Kyle XY), Javier Grillo-Marxuach (creator, The Middleman), Ronald Moore (executive producer, Virtuality), Natalie Morales (The Middleman), Jason O'Mara (Life on Mars), and Jason Smilovic (executive producer, My Own Worst Enemy), among other special guests. 6:30-7:30 The Anthropology of Star Trek -- Daryl G. Frazetti of the Department of Anthropology at Lake Tahoe Community College discusses anthropological themes in the Star Trek universe. Select themes include politics, religion, social problems, and the anthropological concept of "race." The subculture of fandom is also explored. All topics will span the franchise and look at the relationship between Star Trek at any given point and contemporary society. This forum is ****d on the course offered at Lake Tahoe Community College and professional research. 7:15-8:15 MythBusters Q&A and Sneak Preview -- Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage of MythBusters talk about their Discovery Channel series that uses science to determine the truth behind urban legends. With backgrounds in animatronics, robotics, model building, and prototyping, Adam and Jamie will answer questions about the 300+ myths they've busted to date, show untelevised clips from their most explosive myths, and feature a Comic-Con exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming NASA moon landing hoax episode. 7:15-8:15 Comedy Central's The Sarah Silverman Program -- Join The Sarah Silverman Program cast members Sarah Silverman, Laura Silverman, Brian Posehn, Steve Agee, and Jay Johnston as they get together with executive producers Rob Schrab, Heidi Herzon and Dan Sterling for a Q&A session about the series and what Sarah likes to do on a date.8:30-10:00 Marvel: Wolverine and The X-Men Animated Screening -- So, Nicktoons is now taking the place of FOX and KidsWB in the production of Marvel comics-****d cartoons. When an explosive event shatters the lives of the X-Men and takes away their mentor, the beaten heroes walk away from it all. But then they're given a rare glimpse into the future, and see a world in utter ruin, ruled by mutant-hunting Sentinels. So now the most legendary of all X-Men takes the lead-Wolverine! Reuniting these broken heroes, Wolverine embarks on the ultimate mission-to prevent the world's destruction. To rescue us from ourselves. To save the future. Meet Boyd Kirkland (lead director), Craig Kyle (supervising producer), Greg Johnson (head writer), and others involved with this new animated series and watch the first three episodes of this epic new X-Men series before its Nicktoons 2009 premiere.

النادر10 09-01-09 04:36 AM

بارك الله فيك

والله يجعلها بميزان حسناتك

ودمت بخير

مـــاشـــي 17-07-10 11:01 AM

جزاك الله الف خير ..ويارب استرنا بالدنيا والأخره..

الساعة الآن 06:03 PM.

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